Ocean Nexus

Our Mission: To contribute to transforming ocean governance through scholarship, communication, and training a transdisciplinary and international network of researchers integrating human-centered tools, perspectives, evidence and narratives.

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Workshop Overview

Learning Objective: The goal of the workshop is to encompass and understand a holistic approach to well-being for oceans

Goal for Participants: To recognize and describe multiple framings, definitions, and dimensions of well-being, and assess how these have been and can be applied through a detailed case study


Day 1 June 23, 2021
Day 2 June 24, 2021


What is well-being? How is it used? Well-being in your research?
Introductory slides to well-being and Indonesia case study Wales Video and case study slides Activity assessing well-being related to Nexus research
Videos on different dimensions of well-being Activity assessing Wales indicator and trade-offs Group discussion on well-being and Nexus research
Group discussion on well-being Group discussion on Wales indicators and trade-offs  
interactive critical discussion on well-being    

Workshop Team

Elaine Faustman
Elaine Faustman
Professor, University of Washington
Kate Barclay
Kate Barclay
Professor, University of Technology, Sydney
Suzy An
Suzy An
Ocean Nexus Fellow, University of Washington
Tiff-Annie Kenny
Tiff-Annie Kenny
Professor, Universite Laval
Jill Falman
Jill Falman
Research Scientist, University of Washington

Additional Collaborators

Nicholas McClean
Nicholas McClean
University of Technology Sydney
Michael Fabinyi
Michael Fabinyi
University of Technology Sydney
Laurie Chan
Laurie Chan
University of Ottawa

Coordinating Team

Yoshitoka Ota
Yoshitoka Ota
Professor and Director, Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Center
Karin O. Trudo
Karin O. Trudo
Program Specialist, Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Center

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